Create a maven project -> Create a simple project -> Update group ID, artefact ID -> Update pom.xml with latest cucumber – Junit dependency xml tag-> Update pom.xml with latest cucumber – Java dependency xml tag -> Update pom.xml with latest maven – Junit dependencies xml tag-> Update pom.xml with latest maven - selenium dependency xml tag-> Press ^S ->
Create a cucumber feature file
Add the plugin from -> Create feature file in a separate folder - > Add feature syntax given, when & then -> Add a test package -> Add a class in test package with syntax @RunWith(Cucumber.class) & @CucumberOptions(features=””,glue={“”} -> Add feature location and add step definition as glue -> Run the project as cucumber feature to get skeleton step code ->
Create a step definition package – Add a class -> Add feature skeleton code in the step definition class -> Modify the skeleton code -> run the project as junit test -> Run as maven project with goal as (clean build) ->
Create a Maven build job in Jenkins
Create a Maven project in Jenkins –> Update the pom.xml location -> Run the maven project with option clean & install.
DevOps:Continuous Monitoring:Nagios in Docker Containers
Install Nagio server image in docker container
Select a Nagios image -> download the image (docker pull appcontainers/Nagios) -> Create the docker container (docker run -d -it --name nagiosserver -h nagios -p 8181:80 appcontainers/Nagios) -> Configure a Nagio user in Nagios server command prompt (htpasswd -c -b /etc/nagios/passwd username password) -> Login to Nagios server from browser with the help of user created in previous step (http://localhost:8181/nagios/) ->
Install & configure a Nagios host in docker container
Download a server(ubuntu/centos) image (docker pull nuagebec/Ubuntu) -> Create the docker container (docker run -d -p nuagebec/Ubuntu)-> Install NRPE server plugin in the server container (sudo apt-get install nagios-nrpe-server nagios-plugins)-> Update server address and port in nrpe.cfg file (server_address=, server_port=8181) ->
Configure Nagios host in Nagios server
Update server folder location in Nagios.cfg file in Nagios server (cfg_dir=/etc/nagios/servers) -> Add server folder in Nagios server (mkdir -p /etc/nagios/servers ) -> Create a configuration file in Nagios host and save in the server folder (vim /etc/nagios/servers/ubuntu_host.cfg ) ->
Test the Nagios host configuration update
Restart NRPE service server in Nagios host (service nagios-nrpe-server restart)-> Restart Nagios service in Nagios server (service nagios restart)-> Open the Nagios server browser and verify Nagios host has been added.
Download latest SonarQube from and install in your CI server, or for Mac machines brew command can be used alternatively - brew update - brew install sonar ->
Configure & start the sonarQube server
Create sonar database in local server using database queries - CREATE DATABASE sonar_source; - CREATE USER 'sonar'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'sonar'; - GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON sonar_source.* TO 'sonar'@'localhost'; - FLUSH PRIVILEGES; -> Update database details in sonar properties file using command - $ vim /usr/local/Cellar/sonarqube/6.1/libexec/conf/ -> Start the sonar server using command - $ sonar console ->
Configure SonarQube in Jenkins
Install SonarQube plugin in Jenkins using option - Manage Jenkins - Manage Plugins -> Update sonarQube server detail using option - Manage Jenkind - Configure System ->
Create SonarQube build job in Jenkins
Create a maven build job using option - new item -> Check ‘Prepare SonarQube Scanner environment’ under build Environment -> Update pom.xml url in ROOT POM -> Select ‘sonarQube analysis with maven’ under Post-build Actions ->
Run the sonarQube build job & view SonarQube report in Jenkins
Run the build -> Upon successful run, click ‘SonarQube’ icon to view SonarQube code analyzer report.
Choose a suitable & stable puppet image from dockerhub and install in your docker server -> $ docker pull devopsil/puppet ->
Alternatively, create your own docker file ->
Install a docker container with a suitable puppet master name -> $ Docker run --name puppetmaster -it devopsil/puppet bash -> Install another docker container with a suitable puppet agent name -> $ Docker run --name puppetagent -it devopsil/puppet bash ->
Configure hostname in puppetmaster container with a meaningful name in network file -> # vi etc/sysconfig/network -> -> Configure hostname in puppetagent container with a meaningful name in network file -> # vi etc/sysconfig/network -> ->
Configure hostname in puppetmaster & puppetagent with same name in hosts file -># vi etc/hosts -> [masterip] -> [agentip] ->
Ping master form agent and agent from master to test network connection between puppetmaster & puppetagent containers->
Install puppet server & puppet agent in docker containers
Install puppet server in puppetmaster container -># yum install –y puppet puppet-server facter -> install puppet agent in puppetagent container -># yum install –y puppet facter ->
Update puppet.conf file under [main] in puppetmaster container -># vi etc/puppet/puppet.conf -> certname = -> Update puppet.conf file in puppetagent container -># vi etc/puppet/puppet.conf -> server = ->
Start puppet master in puppetmaster container -># service puppetmaster start -># service puppetmaster status ->
Authenticate puppet agent in puppet master
Request certification from agent -># puppet agent --test –server=[master hostname] --waitforcert=50 -> check for certificate request in master -># puppet cert list -> sing certification in master -># puppert cert sign [agent hostname] ->
Test an example
Create a puppet policy file in puppet master in manifest folder -> # vi etc/puppet/manifest/site.pp ->
Apply the configuration change in puppet agent -># Puppet agent –-test
DevOps - continuous deployment automation using Git, Jenkins & Docker
Create a Git repository ->
Create a Dockerfile (- to build a container for a php web application shown above in video as an example) inside the Git repository ->
Create other components (index.php under src folder in above example) in the git repository needed to run the designated application inside a docker container -> Change one of these components to git commit the change and trigger a Jenkins build ->
Create a Jenkins freestyle project in Jenkins -> Update the above created Git repository location under SCM configuration of the project -> Select trigger builds remotely and input an authorization token in the configuration ->
Update .git/hooks/post-commit file with a syntax to trigger the Jenkins job created in above step -> Update .git/hooks/post-commit file with a syntax to execute docker commands to create and run a docker container using a Dockerfile ->
Docker commands can be put in an executable file (buildExecutable in this case) ->
Commit the change made (-in one of above steps) in application component -> post-commit of .git/hooks folder will trigger the Jenkins build job -> post-commit will also execute docker commands to build and run a docker container running an application within (a php web application in this case).
Create a maven project in Eclipse -> Create a simple project -> update group ID & artifact ID -> add a package into the project -> add a class into the package->
Update selenium & TestNG dependencies in POM xml file -> Add maven build plugins in POM xml -> Convert the class created in earlier step into a TestNG.xml file -> Save the TestNG.xml file into src/main/resource folder -> Update the location of TestNG file in POM xml under surefire plugin ->
Save the selenium project into a Git repository -> Commit file and folder structure of the project into Git repository -> Make sure Jenkins user have read & write access to this Git repository -> If required clean the repository by running maven clean job with appropriate access ->
Create a maven job in Jenkins -> Update the Git repository url in the job configuration -> Update the location of pom.xml file in job configuration -> Save the maven build job ->