Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Continuous integration Automation : Eclipse -> Git & GitHub -> Jenkins

DevOps - Continuous integration Automation with Eclipse, Git & GitHub & Jenkins

Create a new java project in Eclipse -> Add an object in the new Java project -> Add a class in the object -> Write some working code in the class ->

Add the project in local Git repository -> Make some changes in the java code -> Commit the changes in local Git repository using option right click the java project -> Select team -> Press commit -> Update details in Git staging window -> View the commit done in history window ->

Create a remote repository in GitHub from Git Repositories window of Eclipse -> Push the committed change of local Git repository in the remote GitHub repository ->

Create a freestyle project in Jenkins -> Select SCM option as Git and update local Git repository address as repository URL in the Jenkins project configuration ->

Add a Jenkins server in Eclipse using build window -> Select a build job -> Run the build from Eclipse.

Triggering a Jenkins job from an external script

Update the Jenkins build job configuration with option -> trigger build remotely and adding the authentication key ->

Create a post commit script in hooks folder of the Git -> Add following command – “curl --user : ?token=” in the post commit script -> Add a change in the local Git repository master from command line -> Commit the change from command line -> Git commit will execute the Jenkins job.

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