Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Continuous Testing - Integrating Cucumber Maven Project in Jenkins

DevOps: Continuous Testing - Cucumber

Create a Maven project in Eclipse

Create a maven project -> Create a simple project -> Update group ID, artefact ID -> Update pom.xml with latest cucumber – Junit dependency xml tag-> Update pom.xml with latest cucumber – Java dependency xml tag -> Update pom.xml with latest maven – Junit dependencies xml tag-> Update pom.xml with latest maven - selenium dependency xml tag-> Press ^S ->

Create a cucumber feature file

Add the plugin from https://cucumber.io/cucumber-eclipse/update-site -> Create feature file in a separate folder - > Add feature syntax given, when & then -> Add a test package -> Add a class in test package with syntax @RunWith(Cucumber.class) & @CucumberOptions(features=””,glue={“”} -> Add feature location and add step definition as glue -> Run the project as cucumber feature to get skeleton step code -> Create a step definition package – Add a class -> Add feature skeleton code in the step definition class -> Modify the skeleton code -> run the project as junit test -> Run as maven project with goal as (clean build) ->

Create a Maven build job in Jenkins

Create a Maven project in Jenkins –> Update the pom.xml location -> Run the maven project with option clean & install.

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